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you're not doing it right
09/14/2006, 19:59:10

    kkc writes:

    First, you can never get robbed. But, if you want to put your money in the bank, use your mouse to click on the zero (0) next to the arrow on your side of the screen. This positions the cursor so you can type an amount to deposit. Type an amount, then use the mouse again to press the arrow. This deposits the money. You withdraw in an opposit fashion. Click the zero, type an amount, press the arrow.

    I don't deposit money since you can't get it out at night when you want to train up.

    One last thing, if you need a large amount of money you can use the banker lady exploit. Hire her in the Drangheim bank. Deposit your money and then withdraw it. She'll give you a 20% boost when you take it out. Repeat this action for a few minutes and you'll have 50 million gold. Then you can fire her and hire a fighter.

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