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From the User's Guide for the patch...
09/12/2006, 00:21:15

    Bones writes:

    The patch can be installed in two ways. You can always extract TELP13.exe from our distribution ZIP file and run it, but since most ZIP utility programs let you run programs directly from their shell you can probably just open the ZIP file and run it from there. The location of the setup file doesn't matter as long as it has enough disk space to run.

    The setup program will ask you for the location of your MM9 folder. It will offer to make backup copies of the files to be updated before proceeding. *** You will want these original files to make it easy to restore your game to version 1.2. You might need to do this to run future TELP updates for MM9. ***

    The backed up files will require 276M of storage space. If you don't have enough free space on the drive that holds your MM9 installation, you should backup these files manually to another drive. The updated files are:


    If you do not backup these files, you will still be able to re-install the game from your original CDs.

    Next, this program will update your files, which might take about two minutes on slower systems. A report of the updater's success will be saved as 'PatchWise.log' in you MM9 folder. Finally, you will be given a chance to read our ReadMe file if you haven't done so already.

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