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This fight is the only one that I...(spoilers)
08/10/2006, 17:18:05

    Maybeth writes:

    fight in TBM (turn-based-mode). The reason being that the dragon has roughly 39,000HP and is impossible to kill otherwise. He regenerates HP at a rate of about 200HP/round so unless you do more damage than that you will never make any progress. Even once you do start putting a dent in it will take awhile. Also, the most effective spell to use against him (so have as many of your guys learn it as is possible for your party) is Poison Cloud - and try to aim at or near his feet, 'cause then it'll float up him and do max damage.
    Now, after he's dead, and if you have the spell, set a beacon near the two black chests in the back. Now save. Ok, so loot the chests. Now, leave, either walk out of the cave or TP out. Walk back in (or beacon in if you set one), and re-loot the chests. Repeat as desired - those two chests respawn every time you re-enter the cave. Good way to build up cash and items until you either run out of stuff to collect, or get bored. Have fun, and HTH!

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