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Using Bows
07/27/2006, 15:56:05

    Jade writes:

    I only have a bow for one guy. I suppose I can get bows later.
    I started all over with my guys because I started out with giving all my guys things like merchant, item repair, disarm and such, and only my mage with the bow. later I couldn't give my priest any waeapon skill. Nor even give my fighter a crugel or spear skill. It was said they can't use that. I wish there was more detail about these skills. I was under the assumption that you could add them ataer. Must you be a certain level first?
    This is the hardest RPG that I have played. I may yet re-create guys again, I am waiting and hoping I can get those other skills if someone knows if I can.

    Thanks for the hints and advice, I NEED ALL I CAN GET. :-)

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