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haha sometimes all it takes...
04/18/2006, 02:03:37

    equinox writes:

    how funny..
    Sometimes all it takes is searching out a message board and writing your problem down and what do you know - it gets solved. The problem seems to be that several tasks in the game seem to be programmed to specifically test for the space bar instead of using the keyboard map for "Use/Open" I also cannot pick up the books in the t'sar academy to put them back on their shelves. I must open my keyboard map, reprogram my "Use/Open" to be the spacebar and then use the spacebar to talk or pick specific things up. So far it's just been these three things - everything else in the game has been fine, but at least now I will know what to try first. I like to make spacebar put me into TurnBasedMode - call it the panic button, and I like my left mouse button to also open doors, so I always tweek the key map just a bit. So there you go... thanks!

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