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Those look more like mantises to me (the magreebs)
04/09/2006, 09:26:46

    Christy writes:

    or grasshoppers. I'm assuming you might be an arachnophobe (like my mom) and either don't intend to play the game if there are spiders in it (that would have been her choice; spiders = no play) or at least want to be forewarned.

    The magreeb leg movement seemed to be based more on the grasshopper/mantis movement. I thought the Nagate movement more creepy; these are basically giant beetles, but they're so large, the legs are visible, and while it isn't the writhing spider or crab-type leg movement, it is (and is meant to be) revolting.

    There are webs all over one of the early dungeons (the Beet Hoven) and I expected spiders to appear there but they never did, so when you see all the webs in there, don't worry about them.

    There ARE spiders in MM6 and 7, and those are the ones I remember when I try to think of any. Can't think of any instance of them in MM9 (or 8 either, for that matter).

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