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Read my posting below about how promos work in this game,
03/19/2006, 23:04:02

    Maybeth writes:

    that might help you. If you need more promotion specific advice after that, just ask us. One other thing I will say that I did not mention in my other post, is that you cannot "jump" paths (they are as follows, with thanks to Peter2):

    You start with either fighter or initiate.

    Fighter becomes either Crusader or Mercenary.
    Crusader becomes either Paladin or Ranger
    Mercenary becomes either Assassin or Gladiator

    Initiate becomes either Healer or Scholar
    Healer becomes either Druid or Priest
    Scholar becomes either Lich or Mage

    This means (for you) that you don't really have many options. Priest and Druid are both final promos, so you are stuck with them unless you start over. As far as your wannabe Merc is concerned, you should read my other post - it could be that you neglected to nominate him/her for the promotion, and as a result you would be unable to get that promo, leaving Crusader as your only choice (unless it's too late for that one also).

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