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This is really annoying....
12/31/2005, 09:18:34

    Bones writes:

    I don't mean your personal experience, although I'm sure that is also annoying. I'm referring to the fact that MM9 was written to perform on WinXP systems and now it's failing. We can all understand MM6-8 having problems, but MM9 *should* run.

    Let's round up the usual suspects. Your graphics system is number 1. You should be using DX 9.0c. You should also be using the proper graphics drivers for your motherboard as well as your video card. Use the most current for your m/b, but you *might* need to use the less-than-most-recent for your card. Sometimes new drivers introduce incompatibilities with older cards.

    Another suspect is the file system. I'm not sure about this -- just a suspicion -- but there might be a problem with the Lithtech engine and NTFS. If all else fails, and you're using NTFS, try installing your game on a FAT32 partition.

    Please let us know your progress, and good luck!

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