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You know, I'd have been perfectly happy if they had...
12/22/2005, 02:28:28

    Peter2 writes:

    ...stayed with the old MM6/7/8 engine, and spent a decent amount of time to give us another game of the quality of MM6 (OK, or, for its aficionados, MM7). A decent scenario, some really good subplots and puzzles, and the existing adequate game engine would have suited me down to the ground.

    I think the game critics must bear a limited amount of responsibility for the demise of 3DO, although it's not really their fault. It's more the way the games magazines have to run. The reviewers don't have the time to get properly into an RPG to assess its plot and puzzle strengths. All they have time to see is the gloss finish, and that's the least important thing.

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