follow the wall as long as you can hide then press enter.profit from your movement in tbm.
then comes the difficult part:you have to press enter twice quickly hoping the fright doesn't see you.advance in the direction of the door and repeat this a few times until you arrive at the door.
open it and run,hide behind a pillar so that the zombie can't kill you with a have to attract him as far as possible of the next door otherwise he would block your way out.
when you arrive at the next pillar,tbm again, move to the door,open and run to the little enter move a little to take the book then back and now run as fast as you can to the exit!
good luck!It's probably possible to improve on this,for example as rib said you can kill or frighten the zombie if you have the spell against undead.but i tried it for the first time today and i didn't have it(normally i was doing this with a team level 10 or so and it's a lot easier to handle because you're not killed in one shot).