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Never thought of that
06/13/2005, 20:04:42

    Rusk writes:

    Hmm... I never thought of that, but funnily enough when you drag a weapon to equip it it automatically goes into the right hand when both hands are empty, and even when I drag it onto the left hand slot. A shield will automatically go into the left hand similarly.

    If I have a sword equipped first for instance (it defaults to the right hand) he can hold the spear one handed in his left due to spear mastery. But even if his spear skill is poor, blade mastery will allow him to hold the spear one handed in his right hand and the blade in the left.

    It seems even more ridiculous that this doesn't work with a shield as the picture demonstrates it! I don't know what to do, since it would be a shame to waste either my character's shield skill (master 9) or spear skill (master 8).

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