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You too, Brutes!
05/04/2005, 01:28:52

    Vilx writes:

    As I recall from Bones Combat Guide, there is some sort of bug in MM games - armor recovery bug or similar. It means, in MM6 wearing leather causes shield penaltie increase. If developers of MM9 used the same methodology for MM9 penalties calculation, is it possible, that using shield with Druid causes armor penaltie for it (Druids can be masters of armor skill, but it is sufficient only for halfing a penaltie).
    The second possibility is, that shield skill penaltie with expertise isn't really removed, as described, clicking on skill with right mouse.
    And what exactly means "shield penaltie eliminated"? It means penaltie is decreased to 10 time units or it means it is decreased to zero units?

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