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There's a library in most of the early towns.
04/23/2005, 11:38:48

    Peter2 writes:

    In Sturmford, it's just across the road from the side of the Jarl's palace.

    In Guberland, if you face the entrance to the Jarl's palace, go along the road to your left, then through the gate on the left of the road, I think it's up ahead on the left.

    In Thjorgard, it's in the same block as the bank, near the entrance to the grounds of the Jarl's palace.

    In Thronheim, it's near the Town Hall, through the internal gate that leads to the desert horror.

    In Frosgard, it's in a building along a bit from the bank.

    There isn't one in Drangheim, IIRC.

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