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Maybe some help....
04/20/2005, 19:36:38

    Bones writes:

    I'm not sure whether your problem is due to Windows or your hardware. It sounds like you're saying you get the small Lithtech window, then it goes away and you're back at your desktop. No error messages.

    My suspicion is that the problem is your drivers. I ran MM9 with a geForce 2 MX but I was using the 6.18 drivers. There was a problem with the later drivers when running with the VIA MVP3 chipset. So if your motherboard is as old as your graphics card maybe you should try older drivers.

    If you want to change graphics drivers, make sure all your current ones are removed. There are special utilites available for that; searh the web for them.

    Your DirectX might be a problem also. If your using DX8, make sure that it's 8.1. If you're usin DX9, make sure it's 9.0c.

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