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the thing is some of the game maps around a town/city will have the name of the town...
04/14/2005, 22:31:56

    Knightly writes:

    Sturmford, this is the region which the town Sturmford is in.

    files for the town of Sturmford are like Sturmfordcity_0.1

    (town as in the town portal spell) so look for city in the file name if you want to reset a town/city. if you want to reset a region or dungeon make sure it doesn't have city in the file name.

    the population centers of Lindisfarne and Yorwick aren't towns so there aren't files to seperate them from the region they are in.

    the game maps are independent of each other. so reseting the game files for Sturmford, the region, will have no impact on the files for the town/city of Sturmford

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