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Bugs I've noticed so far:
03/03/2005, 17:42:14

    Christy writes:

    1. The "Take scroll of bad news" quest has never disappeared from the quest list, though I received the reward for it long ago.
    2. The "Fix the slag extractor (or whatever it's called) in the Thjorad mine" quest doesn't disappear either. Maybe it disappears if you pay the guy the 1000gp, but not if you just do it yourself.
    3. It took me three tries to kill the dragon because the game crashed to desktop each time the first set of Winged Mutants appeared. Not right away but shortly after the dragon killed them. I finally made it through by taking it out of turn-based while he was busy with them and I backed up a little ways. Then I noticed the animation wanted him to chomp them - which he hadn't been doing the times the game crashed. And I finally made it that time. This is a maddening bug since it takes so long to kill him.


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