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A couple of Starter Spoilers...Tips.
02/28/2005, 01:34:28

    Finlands Crazy Bear writes:

    When You start allocating skills to your party it is very useful to know, that at the very start of the game you get, "free" a disarm and an identify item skill to award (from Grampa) you must go and talk to him before you leave the Start Island. He pops the scrolls into one of the inventories.
    You dont have to do the training, but if you do..well its is practice and also there are a couple of notes/tips/scrolls to be found on the training course.

    To leave the island just wander down to the Docks (couple of minor things to shoot, and then hop on the boat..which gets wrecked on the Isle of Ashes.
    Explore/meet/kill, get Forad into your party and get the keys from the old hag.then approach the ruins.

    Spoiler on Entering the ruins....yes you can..if you are very very carefull and do not go through the door to your left..or you will be killed.
    Walk carefully straight ahead then follow a path to your right.
    There is a chest which can be opened if you have awarded the disarm skill.
    Then will not survive further exploration.

    Now here come the big spoiler..
    It is bug...but why not use it..I repeat it is a Spoiler/Cheat.

    Having opened the door to the book, and looted the chest..If you want to use this spoiler, which follows, dont click the book yet..
    Instead just pop your head back inside the door of the ruins again, and then immediately exit, and go back to the chest behind the door to the book.
    It will have re-stocked.
    Repeat until bored..

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