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Yes, Enchant Item works fine.
02/27/2005, 23:03:13

    Christy writes:

    I've been using it. The key is item quality. Each item has a quality assigned to it. The first thing you're able to enchant is Normal quality items, then Good quality items, then Excellent quality items, and possible ultimately you might be able to enchant things like rings and amulets (which have no assigned quality). But I haven't gotten to that last stage yet, so can't say for sure. I have been enchanting away though to raise cash, though haven't stood and bought from a store to do it yet. Got enough stuff so far from critters I killed.

    BTW, I thought I hated this game, too - I started a game way back (how many years ago?) when it came out and never finished. I never had enough money, my characters were a bunch of wimps and I felt like I was forcing myself to play it each time I tried. But I finally gave up on the wimpy party, started over using what I'd learned in the meantime, and believe it or not, am now nearly as addicted to playing it as I was MM8 the first time!


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  • Quality - couslee ( Mon 28-Feb-05 01:13:14 )