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With that crew,...
02/22/2005, 02:52:08

    Peter2 writes:

    ...get in close as quickly as possible and take it out in real-time melée combat. They don't like it up 'em, as the old saying has it *grin*. Also, on the bottom floor about half way along the wall to the left of where you enter, there is a room which has only two or three monsters in it, none of them oculi. Make for that room, clear it out, and use it as a refuge.

    Take the oculi one at a time. Remember that they can see you and hit you from a lot further away than you can see them. IIRC there are 5 or 6 oculi in the room, and they can all hit you as soon as you come down the stairs. Get the one closest to the refuge room first, then run and heal.

    I assume your druid has GM'd unarmed and dodge and is fighting like that? If not, he/she should! But you'll find that the game is a lot easier with a priest instead of a paladin. The paladin and particularly the ranger are way away the weakest characters in the game.

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