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There are 23 Frosgardians you can ask about pledging. All but 2 will give that pledge, *however*....
02/17/2005, 22:39:12

    Bones writes:'s not as straight forward as it sounds.

    The satisfy this part of the quest you must collect 5 of 8 possible 'keys'. You get a key when an NPC pledges. Each key can be acquired by getting a pledge from any one member of a group of 2 or 3 NPCs, but once you get the key from one member then the other members won't offer the 'pledge' dialog.

    Getting the first few pledges is easy, but at the end you're trying to find members of an increasingly exclusive group. Grrrr. Too bad we just can't kill each one off after speaking with them. Maybe they can be Paralyzed or made Afraid.

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