Maybeth writes:
I must have done parts of the quest to hook up the inn-girl with the blue haired boy (names not forthcoming, sorry) just about everytime my three days restarted, 'cause each time u get further u get a different prize or something...but it got boring after a while, 'cause u'd have to replay the entire thing just to get a useless mask (although the milk bottle from the mayor's wife was useful, but that was about the only thing that was). I always tried to get all the masks and all the heart pieces but yes, the repetition does get old after awhile.
As for Windwaker, I don't mind the graphics at all, my only problem with it is that getting anywhere takes so darn long, before you get the teleporting spell, and even that only takes you to a few select spots. The dungeons and stuff are ok, just wish it didn't take so long to get there!