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As an accountant a financial explanation. (spoiler of course)
11/18/2004, 04:05:58

    Finlands Crazy Bear writes:

    The usual rule on investing money in a bank is.
    You invest a sum of money and it then earns interest over a peroid of time.
    The more one invests and the longer you place your investment ..the more interest one earns.

    Now the spoiler..


    The lady in question does not actauly seem to work in the bank in this village..she just hangs about intercepting normal bank customers...and she seems to have a very nice offer available.
    You hire her and she will then negotiate on your behalf with the bank manager, and she gets a very good deal everytime you deposit and then withdraw your funds.

    The deal..
    1: The period that one need to invest for is extremely short...i.e ..almost zero quickly as you can deposit and with draw your funds from the bank, the manager will pay a very nice interest rate. You can quickly build up from a few 100 gps to several thousands by repeated deposit and with-drawing.
    2: You can dispose of her services, fire her, without paying her monthly salary, and she will still be there and willing to work for you next time you are short of a few gold coins.

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