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and so say all of us "Thank you Bones!"
10/20/2004, 01:27:24

    Finlands Crazy Bear writes:

    Tim says..
    "Bones has been doing a great job fixing all the stuff we left behind. I'm really surprised that people are still playing MM9, and I'm pretty sure it's because of him and TELP that people are still interested in it."

    Just think back to what MM9 was like....then think of all those frustrating problems that Bones as either fixed or made correctable/avoidable by "get around instructions."
    From almost impossible to play...The game has been made very enjoyable.
    Many hours of our continued fun are due to his dedicated work.
    How can we thank him enough??
    If he ever makes it to Finland he will be taking home one hell of a hang over!

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