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09/22/2004, 17:44:41

    Peter2 writes:

    I'm afraid I can't give you any assurance that 8 & 9 are as good as 6 or 7. Having said that, IMO both 8 & 9 are enjoyable games, especially if you install the patches to get rid of most of MM9's bugs.

    MM8 is a smaller game, very much after the style of 6 & 7. I actually preferred it to MM7 because the inability for a party to have both Light & Dark magic in MM7 was a total turn-off for me.

    MM9 uses a different game engine, and has quite a different feel to it than the previous 3 games. Opinions are divided, some like it, some loathe it. However, I think most would agree that if the team had been given a decent amount of time to develop it, it would have been a good game. Unfortunately, 3DO had to rush it out, and it was very buggy when it hit the market. Since then, a fair amount of work has been done, notably by Bones and others, to cure the more obvious flaws, and it is now a better game than it was. I can say that I enjoyed it (the combat system IMO is excellent), but there's no guarantee that you will.

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