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The way it is supposed to work IS 5x, rather than 3x, it's just where the multiplier goes
07/22/2004, 11:17:37

    ruby writes:

    Okay, learning is supposed to work this way (see MM7, for instance).

    LS = learning skill level

    XP =
    none: 1 * raw XP
    normal: (1 + 0.09 + LS*1) * raw XP
    expert: (1 + 0.09 + LS*2) * raw XP
    master: (1 + 0.09 + LS*3) * raw XP
    GM: (1 + 0.09 + LS*5) * raw XP

    The first three (normal, expert and master work correctly [as in MM7]), but GM works something like

    GM: (1 + 0.09 + LS)*5 * raw XP

    In other words, the right parenthesis got moved over two characters in the formula. This obviously smacks of a bug that's really just a typo.

    So again, with GM you DO get a big bonus, even the "correct" way, it's just not a ludicrous bonus.

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