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NCSoft isn't a bad choice
06/10/2004, 15:28:06

    Kronx writes:

    NCSoft has some impressive title sunder its belt. Lineage is the biggest MMORPG in the world. (Of course subscriptions are tallied differently for it). Lineage 2 had a decent start, especially for a game light in content and focused on PvP.

    The most popular American title is probably City of Heroes. I'm addicted to it at the moment, and, after looking at the changes coming for the game, I think it will be around for quite a while.

    Tabula Rasa will likely make a few waves, too. Although, I won't be playing it, it should do rather well.

    This leaves me to wonder what exactly JVC will be working on. There really aren't a lot of fantasy brands floating around. And NCSoft already has a contender in most of the niche markets.

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