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I wish I could be so sure.
06/09/2004, 20:27:51

    NIK writes:

    But from my perspective, I fear the innate forumla which defines the MMORPG genre is unsalvagable.

    I take solace in the knowledge that this type of game is living on borrowed time.

    If JVC wants to do online games, I would hope he'd opt for a more flexible, less comercially motivated formula, as a viable alternative(you could still use the online component to address the everpresent concern of copy-protection, ala 'Battlefield

    D.W. Bradley's 'Dungeon Lords' will hopefully provide a good example of this.

    My views on MMORPG's are/were well documented, so it should come as no surprise that I'll be looking forward to the Might & Magic Tribute project more so than anything from NCSoft/JVC/Garriot, which will also benefit from a more suitable engine than anything NCSoft is likely to use - Blitz3D(mostly due to it's outstanding community tool-set!).

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