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Here's to Bones! (and to the rest of the fans!)
06/16/2003, 13:29:10

    Timbecile writes:

    I really think that the Might and Magic fans are the best fans in the world. I've been a game nerd most of my life, and have been in the game industry for about 7 years. I don't think I've ever seen and fans as dedicated or as passionate as you guys.

    I mean, who else would take it upon themselves to patch a game because they knew the developer wouldn't. Bones, Rustavius, and the rest of the patch group (sorry I don't know you by name!) did a great job. I for one know exactly how much work it takes to do what they did, and they will forever have my upmost respect for taking on such a tough project and seeing it through to the end.

    And I also want to tip my hat to the rest of the fans of Might and Magic. Even the ones who hated MMIX. It really makes me happy that someone can be so passionate about a game series as to be able to call us on the stupid decisions we made, and make sure we don't do them again. (Like the promotion lockout bug. technically wasn't a bug, as it we did it on purpose. looking back now though, it was a terrible design decision and we never should have done it in the first place!)

    So hopefully I'll be able to work on another RPG in the future. Until then, here's to you guys, the greatest fans in the world of gaming!

    Tim Lang
    Lead Designer, Might and Magic IX

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