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I'd be surprised if many people care about this.
06/05/2003, 19:10:06

    kkc writes:

    Still, here are some options.

    1) The data files are easy to update. I gave the Mage 700 HP because I got tired of healing her. You could go the other way and set Forad and Temur to 15 HP so the'd always be asleep.

    2) You can also change the damage data for these guys making it virtually impossible for them to ever hurt any enemy.

    3) You can remove these guys from the party but it's complicated and I can't verify that it won't crash the game somewhere. First, you have to edit a saved game. At the end of your normal characters is a counter of NPCs along with an ID for each hired NPC. If you change (hex edit) the NPC ID, you can replace Forad with Ake or whoever. Then you can dismiss the fake "Ake" and have zero NPCs tagging along. I don't think that it's worth the effort but if you are determined, I can step you through it some day.

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