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Yeah. The scrolls were actually more effective than the spell.
06/08/2009, 10:39:10

    Peter2 writes:

    When the game first came out, we had a fair number of people who had found all these scrolls, and promptly trekked back to Alvar and sold them. They then posted messages complaining that they couldn't get through the Hive. We didn't put it quite this bluntly, but our attitude was "Think about it. All of a sudden, you find a bunch of scrolls of the same type close together in any game. Could there possibly be a reason for that?"

    Like if you start to find a bunch of scrolls and potions of Stone to Flesh, it's a fair bet you're about to run into a bunch of medusas or basilisks, or something like that. If you find a bunch of similar single-use magic items all in one place, I'll give you long odds that you'll need them for something, and one of the worst things you can do is sell them.

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