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here is exactly what i have done, and what happens
09/21/2004, 14:47:31

    absinthetic writes:

    prefacing: i run (not from choice, sometimes) winxp home service pack 2, amd 2800+ 2.08 ghz 512 megs ram computer.

    i installed MM7 from the MM Millenium edition- contains mm 4,5, SOX, mm6+7. instead of using the install program, i installed by going to the cd, to the directory, and running setup because i read on one of the threads that running from the direct setup program and changing those compatability properties might help.

    after installing mm7, i downloaded the mm7.sdb from and i ran the line "sdbinst.exe c:\mm7fix\MM7.sdb" from the command line. it told me afterward, "installation of mm7 complete".

    i then edited all the properties of every shortcut created by the install program- on the desktop, on the start menu, on the "programs you use a lot" list ABOVE the program list. i also edited the icon of the executable when using winexplorer. they all read "C:\Program Files\3DO\Might and Magic VII\MM7.exe" instead of "blah blah\mm7setup.exe" /auto. i set the compatability to win95.

    when i ran the setup, i set it to :fullscreen, hardware accelerated 3d, disable accelerated 3d audio. then, when i run the program, i get the error: "might and magic 7 has enocuneterd an error and needs to close..." error bos, with the options to send or not the data to microsoft. you've seen that error reporting box.

    the same thing happens if i set it for software video.

    admitted, i haven't updated to use the latest mm7 executable- i'm using the executable that installs with the program.


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