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Limerick is a county in Ireland
02/12/2025, 17:23:25

    The Elf Herself writes:

    There is an auld bar wench called Elf
    Who didn't take care of herself:
    She didn't drink enough water
    Though her doctor had said that she oughter--
    So she found herself back on the shelf.

    The "shelf" was a hospital bed
    (Fourth time in a year, it is said.)
    Three days later she's freed
    From IV drips and contacts* and lead
    Provided she takes each new med.
    *Was amused to see that the contacts were like the old, old computer 9-pin male ones.

    P. S. Papa Elf and Baby Elf are monitoring my vitals and making sure I take each and every med as prescribed
    P. P. S.:I love all you guys, and STAY HYDRATED!

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