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A bit of bad luck
01/15/2025, 16:02:01

    The Elf Herself writes:

    Happy New Year, dear friends! Hope you're all well and happy. I don't want to bore you all with an "organ recital," so I'll skip the details. Mostly, Papa Elf and I are well and happy, just getting a little old is all. (He's 94; I'm 87 5/6.) I get around quite well with my new, collapsible cane. No injuries, just a little unsteady on my feet. A few days in hospital, and the doctor pronounced me okay for my age. Hate to say it, but I don't really care much for beer anymore, nor any other alcohol. I even was given a brand-new, free walker in case I need it.

    Don't worry about fires in this part of California. (Our firemen our currently down helping fight the fires in Los Angeles County. We don't even have smoke pollution.)

    Love to all,

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