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It's coming back (somewhat)
08/25/2022, 17:42:40

    The Elf writes:

    I believe the Easter eggs are pretty much confined to the map that contains Lord Brinne's Tomb. IIRC, mousing over the trees and shrubs will give a description (tree, shrub.) At any rate, the description for most of the greenery will be all one font, but some will be be another font. Something like all caps vs. all lower case or all Roman vs. all italics. The oddball-font trees will either yield an Easter egg (potion, gold, etc.) or yield a co-ordinate where such a goodie might be found--I don't remember which. (It's been over 20 years since I've played it. Heavens! How time flies.)
    Incidentally, Flamestryke or somebody posted co-ordinates for all the Easter egg trees in the MM8 Tavern, but somehow I doubt that the archives are large enough to go back to 2001.

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