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So I'm now level 45 with my KKKK party but hitting a wall/plateau with melee damage not increasing. What's the best way to scale it up?
07/02/2015, 10:07:40

    Indighost writes:

    I've got all the relics and artifacts I need. Majority of monsters/dungeons pose no threat except for Dragons and Titans in groups of more than 2. I could easily finish the game at this point if I wanted. I remember when I played MM& so long ago, I could do up to 150 damage in a single melee hit. However the most I can get with my current guys is about 50 physical + 24 elemental = 74 damage per hit. What's the best way to increase it? Did my choice of doing a single weapon type for each knight doom my party to never being able to defeat those big monsters? (Sword/Spear/Axe/Dagger)

    Also, is there any way to prevent monsters breaking my items? Fixing them all every 5 seconds is super annoying.

    Thanks for the help!

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