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My take on MMX
04/08/2015, 13:00:31

    Elf writes:

    As I told Baby Sister Elf (not to be confused with Baby Elf, who is Papa Elf's and my younger daughter and who now lives with us,) MMX is worth it during the nearly twice-yearly sale of $6-and-change, but not at full price. I've alternately thoroughly enjoyed and gnashed my teeth at the game.
    Some of the annoying "bugs" in the game aren't really bugs, but are crashes caused by Steam or Uplay (or both!) kicking your game offline so that they could do one of their frequent updates. (Would it kill them to post a message, "Save game. Uploading due in 3 minutes?)

    Bad points (disregarding Steam itself, which from my experience is rather an acquired taste): 1. too much finger-walking, with rather limited teleporters (which never seem to go where you need them the most) available too late in the game; unbalanced play (2. only one otherwise somewhat-useless character able to cast spell detecting secret doors; 3. too much overlap on characters able to cast some classes of spells, with other spell classes very limited in availability; 4. too much relentless hack 'n' slash; 5. those secret door spells utterly necessary to complete the game, and which may or may not be available in magic shops selling for 200 a pop--and you need two; 6. the impossibility of creating a really GOOD party with all races represented (necessary if you want all race-based quests available 7. the frustration of not being able to complete every quest;
    8. the lack of MM humor; 9. the scarcity of really useful relic or special items (i. e. too many swords, which are one of the poorer weapons, too few maces, etc.) 10. terrible imbalance re: armor vs. weapon damage; 11. floor tile puzzles with literally 1000's of permutations/combinations.

    Good points: 1. at times, the game is really fun (too few times!) 2. the nods to JVC and to a (misspelled) Flamestryke;
    3. turn-based combat (Yay!) 4. the fact that monsters are NOT leveled to your party; 5. relics which level up with your character.
    All in all, a bargain if it it's on sale, a dud if it's not. (That said, I've put in over 600 hours on it.)

    My favorite party: two orc barbarians, one with spear, the other with mace; one dwarf runepriest; one elf druid. This leaves me without a secret door caster, so I just keep buying the scrolls until about level 15, when I'm able to acquire Spike, who is a permanent secret-door-finder.

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