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And yes, it got pretty tedious after a while, so...
08/14/2014, 09:17:51

    Xanax writes:

    ...I had leveled up the knight to about 40 completely solo. It was really slow going after the easier quests and I was still wondering if it would even be possible to finish (for me) no matter how many levels I could eke out.

    So I decided to do a test. I saved off the game and then I resurrected a sorcerer and used him to level up the knight by clearing outdoor areas (not doing any quests however). I'm going to get him up to about 100, kill off the sorcerer again and see how he does with the tougher quests at that level. Then, theoretically, I'll consider going back to the original game and seeing if I can get there over time without the extra help.

    I was thinking I might do that game as sort of a separate thing - maybe spend an hour a day on it and play some alternate way in between times. I'm retired now and I still love this game so I often end up spending a few hours a day at it.

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