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Starting MM8
07/02/2014, 13:31:38

    Domi writes:

    Heya, I've finished MM6 and MM7 (MM6 couple of times, cuz awesome!) but I've never played MM8 before (some MM9, and MMX). Any crucial tips to party creation or gameplay?


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Nothing crucial
07/02/2014, 15:10:03

    Peter2 writes:

    Depends what sort of party you prefer. I like magic-heavy parties, and I found that necro, cleric, dark elf, dragon and vampire suited me very well. If you prefer more might, you could consider one or more of a troll, a knight, or a minotaur.

    However, you only create one character in this game; you select the others from among a number of pre-designed characters you come across during the game. With one exception, the stronger ones won't join you until you've completed some of the quests; the stronger the character, the more has to be done before they'll join. I played one game in a way that allowed me to get the most advanced characters as quickly as I could, but this had two disadvantages. First, the game was too easy, and second, I missed out on the fun of getting my characters promoted. I found that I had most fun by taking low level characters and sticking with them.

    It's very tempting to start with a dark elf as your created character, but you can pick up a first class dark elf (Cauri Blackthorne) quite quickly, and I usually start with either a cleric or a necro. You can pick up a cleric, a necro, and a vampire in the village where you start, and you meet a knight before you leave the area. What I usually do is to swap the necro or the cleric, depending on which my created character was, for Cauri, and the knight for a young dragon to get my final party.

    MM8 is a smaller game than MM6 or MM7, but I enjoyed it — I hope you do, too.

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07/02/2014, 17:32:25

    Domi writes:

    Thanks for the reply! I like magic, but I tend to forget it in fights, only when im outside or facing a big group of mobs I remember to use my AoE spells (Well, sometimes). I noticed it when I started the game ye that you createo only 1 character. Thanks for the brief intro! Appreciated! I noticed the further we go in the MM series, the smaller the games get (MMX was so short, and imo not even fun, everything was reduced to simpleton level)

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08/04/2014, 23:11:12

    vmxa writes:

    Yes nothing is crucial, though I like to have a necro. Well any char that can use town portal and beacons.

    It was refreshing to be able to walk through towns folk. In VI, they would get in my way so much.

    For a long time I felt VIII was the worse of the three (6,7,8), but eventually I liked it as much as the other two.

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I still prefer MM6 to the other two.
08/05/2014, 09:26:00

    Peter2 writes:

    Objectively, MM7 may be a better game — many people prefer it — but I so dislike being unable to have a party with access to both Light and Dark magic that it is my least favourite of all the later Might & Magic games. I even prefer MM9, with all its faults.

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re prefer mm6
08/14/2014, 19:48:05

    vmxa writes:

    Of those three, 6-8, I would prefer one for a time, then one of the others. So I have no fav of those three now.

    VII had the first move while in turn mode and gave you a castle first. I also liked the day and night, where one town was always open.

    I dislike the wait for the judge to die.

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