Original Message:   Might & Magic pioneered it
There are a lot of things taken for granted in the world of RPG. Yes, we know "Lord British" (Richard Garriott) made the first marketable role-playing game as homework for his high school computer science class, but he merely laid the foundation. (I'm not dissing him, because I immediately fell in love with Ultima and all its wonders. I suspect our Jon van Canegham did, too.) Other RPG series besides Might & Magic soon followed: the Gold Box series, Eye of the Beholder series, Wizardry series, Elder Scrolls, and on and on. But as far as I know, JVC pioneered the following, now considered to be de rigueur in an RPG: red potions for healing, blue potions for magic; the ability to build a house and staff it after finding the secret foundation; forbidden areas that required magic or a quest item to enter; secret teachers or wizards in order to learn certain skills--there may be more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. (Most of these appeared in M&M2 or 3, I believe. And corrections are welcome, because Shay Addams* is no longer around to proof-read it. *And how many of you remember him? I'm betting Peter2 and possibly Bones.

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