Original Message:   And furthermore. . .
...American pint mugs truly do hold 16 ounces. However, that means filled completely up to the rim, thus no "head" on the beer.(Weep, mourn, curse the "genius" who invented this travesty!) To get a proper head, you must fill the mug with one can of American beer, which holds 12 ounces, exactly. A lot of Americans ask the bartender to skip pouring the head, since they want to "get all the beer they can." Some years ago, there was a beer survey. The surveyor offered free samples of draft beer to people on the street. (The samples were quite small, but hey! Free beer is free beer.) The "bar" had two tap handles. The sample on the right was drawn without a head, and was offered first. The sample on the left was given with a generous head. The surveyor then asked each person to write down which sample he preferred, and if the lesser sample cost $5.00 a pint (the survey wasn't recent), what would they be willing to pay for the better brew? Nearly all of the passersby chose the left-side brew, and stated that they would be willing to pay more, from $5.50 to around $6.00. The two tap handles, of course, led down to the same beer keg

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