Original Message:   No. There was money in pieces over 5s, but they were all notes.
In the days we are talking about, the common notes were for 10/- (this was brown), 1 pound (my system won't give you the correct symbol, so I'm going to use GBP, so 1 GBP, which was green), and 5 GBP (this was white). I believe that there were also 10 GBP and 20 GBP, but I never saw examples of these.

Bear in mind that times were very different then. In the days we are talking about (late 1940's to to ca. 1970) a yearly salary of 400 GBP (in 1950) to 1000 GBP (in 1970) was a reasonable living wage, and my first car, bought in 1966, cost me 400 GBP.

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