Original Message:   Mothers' Day
Today is Mothers' Day here in America. Baby Elf and I are barbecuing a rack of ribs for the occasion, and she made a potato salad last night to go with it. (No restaurant--our city is still in the Covid danger zone. Restaurant food is strictly take-out, while masked--not by anyone's law but Papa Elf's!) The barbecue is really easy: we get a pre-cooked rack of ribs that only requires a little less than an hour of oven baking.

My most interesting Mothers' Day occurred quite a few years ago. Our daughters were happily cared for by my sister, while Papa Elf and I were at a camp-out in the Sierra woodlands, with fellow motorcycle enthusiasts who worked in the same office as Papa Elf. (Techies, all.) The men all rode off on their "bikes," leaving us women to cook up a kingly breakfast for all. When the hungry men returned, all dusty and sweaty, we all sat down to eat. The boss's wife then stood up to address the crowd: "It is appropriate that today is Mothers' Day, because you guys are the biggest mothers ever!" (We women cheered.)

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