Original Message: Speaking of Neverwinter 2 |
My son pre-ordered it, and the pre-order came with an upgraded module-builder (I know there's an official word for this, but it escapes me at the moment) via internet download. Well, he downloaded it, and it looks nice, but it doesn't work for him. Every time he tries to create anything, it crashes to desktop ("please tell microsoft about this problem ..."). He emailed Atari two weeks ago and has heard absolutely NOTHING back from them (not even a form letter having to do with a FAQ that's not what he asked). I know this isn't a NWN forum, but would any of you computer gurus have any clue what's wrong with it? I'm hoping he's not going to waste his money on the game itself, if this piece of it doesn't even work. Running in WindowsXP, SP2 Nvidia G-force video |