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If you tell me what final party you're aiming at and what skills you're interested in, and I'll tell you what they can get.
02/19/2007, 18:31:09

    Peter2 writes:

    The promo scheme is:

    A fighter can become a crusader or a mercenary
    A crusader can become a paladin or a ranger
    A mercenary can become an assassin or a gladiator

    An initiate can become a healer or a scholar
    A healer can become a priest or a druid
    A scholar can become a lich or a mage

    You cannot legitimately cross from one of these lines of promotion to any other; for example, your scholar cannot ever be promoted to a priest. The only way to do that is to use a hex editor to edit your savegame file.

    One last thing - if I were you, I would avoid the crusader, paladin and ranger. They are weak compared to any of the other classes. In fact, not so much weak as pathetic.

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