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Inventory Screens
01/26/2006, 22:07:49

    DavidC writes:

    We bought MM9 a long time ago, but never played it. Now we have installed in on a HP3.2 Ghz dual processor Pentium 4ht/ATI X300 machine. Everything works fine except for the inventory screens. Opening any screen, inventory, notes, etc. takes about 30 seconds each time.

    I saw a link to a msn board that said it was a problem switching from 3D to 2D. I have updated all my drivers andreinstalled Directx, but nothing has worked. daidx.exe is showing no problems. I play BattleFront, Sims 2, and board games on this computer without any lag problems.

    Can anyone help? P.S., I tried to find out if this was already answered, but couldn't find a keyword to match it.


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