Find a Vial of Grave Dirt

Hallien says:

We seek to put to rest the soul of the Nosferatu called Korbu. We have heard rumors that the vampires of Shadowspire seek to resurrect this ancient evil. There is a Vial of Grave Dirt kept hidden in the Vampire Crypt in the region of Shadowspire that is instrumental in bringing Korbu back to life. Find us this vial and return it to us. We will always be in your debt and we will reward you well.

He also tells you:

Korbu scattered vials of the dirt from his original grave to safe guard himself. This way he could always gain access to the dirt and move his crypt if he needed to.

Find a Vial of Grave Dirt

You receive this Quest from Hallien in Hallien’s Cottage in Shadowspire (x –3918; y –14687).

Find a Vial of Grave Dirt and return it to Hallien.

Find a Vial of Grave Dirt

It’s in the Vampire Crypt in Shadowspire.

Reward: 22000 XP and 1500 GP.

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