Deliver a Letter to Ravenshore

Dadeross says:

You must find a way off of these islands. Someone must take news of what has happened here to our masters, the Merchants of Alvar! They must know of the cataclysm and of the Regnan raid!

I've written a letter to the Merchants of Alvar representative in Ravenshore, Elgar Fellmoon. In it I explain our situation here. If anyone can advise us on what to do here, it is Fellmoon. Take this to him now.

Deliver a Letter to Ravenshore

You receive this Quest from Dadeross in Clan Leader’s Hall in Dagger Wound Island (x 9470; y 6351).

Deliver a letter to Elgar Fellmore, the Merchants of Alvar representative in Ravenshore.

Deliver a Letter to Ravenshore

Just deliver it. Go to the southern door of the Merchant House of Alvar in Ravenshore at location x 9470, y 6351. For some reason the automap will mark this as ‘Stonecleaver Hall’. You’re rewarded upon delivery.

Reward: 7500 XP and 1500 GP.

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