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It'll take a few-days-worth of free time to get the graphics the way I want them, but while you'all are waiting...
07/17/2007, 20:54:28

    Bones writes: can go shopping to get the materials you'll need. Here's part of the instruction page I made to go with the distribution files:

    Instructions for Printing ArcoMage Cards


    Please Read This First!

    3DO has not given their blessing to this effort.  The graphics contained in these files belong to them.  If we all use these graphics in a responsible and respectful manner they probably won't make us stop.  This means that these files are not ours to sell, nor are cards made with these images ours to sell.  It also means that if knowledge of this effort becomes widely promoted, then 3DO may be forced to defend their rights and ask us to stop, even if they would rather not.

    So, don't ruin this for everyone.  Make some cards for yourself and your friends, but be discrete.  3DO's copyright statement can be found at


    The Files

    There are three files in this collection.


    ArcoRed.zipGraphics for the red cards.

    Graphics for the standard red card backs.

    This file of printing instructions.

    ArcoBlue.zipGraphics for the blue cards

    Graphics for alternate blue card backs.

    Graphic for printing the Standard Scoresheet for normal play.

    ArcoGreen.zipGraphics for the green cards

    Graphics for alternate green card backs.

    Graphic for printing the first and subsequent pages of the Complete Scoresheet for documenting a game for submission to a site such as Arabin's Original ArcoMage Tavern.


    What You'll Need

    This list assumes that you'll be using an inkjet printer.

    Card StockThis is heavy grade of paper used for index cards and should be available in a large stationery store. 

    In the US one can use either 5" x 8" or 8.5" x 11" sheets.  A5 can be for the smaller size and A4 for the larger.  You'll need at least 114 sheets of the former to print one deck -- half that of the larger sheets.

    Color Ink (suggested)Expect to replace all cartridges once for every two decks, but you might need to allow for more of one color if your backs are all the same.
    Clear Acrylic Spray CoatingYou'll want to keep your cards from smudging.  This will be available at craft supply stores.  One 11 oz can will coat (just barely) 2 decks.  Please note: Coating your cards will not be necessary if you are using a laser printer.
    A Sharp Paper-Cutting ToolMost of us will be using a blade and a straightedge, but an easily aligned cutting board would be a real asset.


    Any program that can display graphics will probably be able to print them as well.  You might want to use your browser, but if you do you might need to clear your header and footer.  Record them so you can re-enter them later.

    Each graphic will print two cards or card backs. 

    If you are using 5" x 8" stock the 8" side will go into the printer first.  The 8.5" side of a larger sheet goes in first.  The 210mm side of an A4 or A5 sheet will go in first.  You will want to print on both ends of the larger sheets.

    Make sure the stock is centered as precisely as possible.  Your program might be able to center the graphics for you.  If not, you will need to adjust the left margin to get the best match.  For 8" wide stock your margin will be about 0.625" and for 8.5" wide stock it will be about 0.375". 

    For A4 and A5 you will want about a 13mm margin.  Print the same graphic on both sides of a sheet, hold it up to the light to check alignment, and adjust the margin if necessary.  Set your top margin as small as possible.

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