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Pressing the button?
02/13/2022, 08:40:54

    Peter2 writes:

    Finding the buttons – and even more, finding the RIGHT buttons – was, I thought, the classic puzzle in the the first two "Eye of the Beholder" games, especially the second one. Identifying that tiny little button in the first room in level 1 of the catacombs under the Temple at Waterdeep was the first challenge, but identifying the right pressure plates to weigh down in the SE corner of the level 3 of the catacombs was a much more difficult challenge in the early stages of the game. I finally identified a tiny change in the pattern of the five correct tiles, but it took me hours to do it. but I still remember the sense of achievement I felt when I first collected the fours Horns of the Winds and used them to open the Silver Tower.

    I always thought these two were superb games, but had the disadvantage that they lacked replayability. They are very linear, and you always find the same treasures in the same places in every game.

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