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Whee! I can play this again! (Well, sort of.)
03/01/2014, 12:59:08

    The Elf Herself writes:

    Papa Elf got me MM-X for an early birthday gift. It's the deluxe edition, which included MM6 as a perk! Unfortunately, it doesn't include an online manual. After nearly 15 years, I've forgotten the keyboard commands. I figured out how to create characters and that the numpad keys (Why does my computer, Ol' Stormy, insist that I've misspelled "numpad"?) move them. I can cast spells, after much anguish and experimentation, but that's about all. No, I'm not asking you to tell me out here in this public tavern how to do things that the typical pirate would ask. That's why I've included my e-mail address. I would like to know though, why is there the image of an upraised palm in the lower right corner of the game screen? What does it mean?

    Here's irony for you: I know where to find that first "Fly" scroll, but I haven't a clue how to use it. I know where to find JVC's "secret" office, what the secret is to navigating that creepy mansion out in the swamps, where to find the "Sword in the Stone," etc., etc., etc. But how to put on the rings that my characters came with? Clueless.

    So Peter2, Bones, Chlala, Dragon, Stahlhand, ANYBODY who knows me, please rescue this elderly elf. I'd like to go to the circus one more time. Thank you.

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